You have (hopefully) been in the store and saw a sign kind of like one of these: But do you know why we carry beneficial insects? This blog is going to help the new gardener learn about beneficial insects, and hopefully, seasoned pros can learn some interesting things...
Archive for category: News
Why Shopping Small is so Important
Marin Ace has been part of the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce since we opened in the “hardware desert” of Terra Linda. We believe that small local business is an asset to communities and we strive in any way that we can to promote that. The following article was written by the “Mom”...
Long Nights, Great Gardens, November Plantings.
Looking to plant a garden in November, but feeling a little daunted by it all? Read on: In California, there are two flowers that we most associate with November. One is the ubiquitous chrysanthemum which is in abundant glory in every nursery (including ours). This flower is the...
Our garden center is growing!
Have you seen all the new items in our expanded nursery/garden department? We have a lot of heirloom plants. We have exotics as well like pomegranates and even the occasional bananna tree! Stop by to shop our herbs, vegetables, and fruit selection as well as our large selection of...